Girls are twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators, usually through email or a social networking sites, where they typically engage in social sabotage. Cyberbullying is most prevalent among 15 and 16 year olds.
Teens who share their identities and thoughts on social networking sites, such as MySpace and FaceBook, are more likely to be targets than are those who do not use social networking sites (39% have been cyberbullied in someway, compared with 22% of online teens who do not use social networks).
These stats are crazy, I can't believe that bullying has got this bad & become such a vociferous force in young people's lives. Playground bullying was bad enough, but at least kids could escape to the safety of their home environment. I really hope that progress can be made in this area as it such a negative & potent force in young people's lives.
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