Because their motives differ, the solutions and responses to each type of cyberbullying incident have to differ too. Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" when cyberbullying is concerned.
Never give out passwords, PINs etc: even to your best friend.
Keep personal information to yourself.
Never send messages or comments to others when you are angry, even if it's not at them.
Don't stay online all the time. There is a difference between virtual reality and the actual reality.
Don't reply to cyber-bullies.
If you've been bullied don't keep it to yourself, inform someone you trust, even if it's not a parent, tell a teacher.
Don't delete the messages from a cyber bully, if you delete it, you can't track it. So your bully cannot be punished.
Don't meet people you've met online in person.
The best form of prevention, however, is for us to educate and inform eachother.
• Prevention Suggestions Through Education
-- Learn about computer safety, computer basics and sites where Cyber Bullying can take place.
-- Put your computer in a public place so you can monitor and see what your kids are doing.
-- Limit and control kids same as you would with friends and in cyber space
(The Source: http://www.cyberbullyingprevention.com/)
Good tips , I believe that the best method is improving our computer safety skill .
Do you have information about the process of tracking of cyberbullies online and the punishments for them according to the law?
these are very good points but sometimes you cannot use it for example when you do not access to the computer and also you have to check your mail at the moment so you have to pass your password to somebody to check it for you.isn't it?
In my opinion we can discuss and learn to our kids about cyberbulling and negative effects of these crime in society and family instead of tight controlling because rigid controlling is not the right way for preventing. Do you agree with me?
Mandy Taylor is fit
anal is good
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